Cookies Policy

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Characteristics and purposes of cookies
Our website uses the following categories of cookies, which may belong to CivicaMente srl or to third parties.

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These cookies assist you in browsing the Website and using its functions. Technical cookies include what are called “strictly necessary” cookies, which enable functions without which the Website cannot be used in full, or “performance cookies”, which improve the Website functions.
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Description of the methods of consenting to installation of cookies

On your first access to the Website, you will see a banner with brief information containing the link to this extended policy, where you will find further information on the cookies installed by the Controller and by third parties.
This extended policy contains more detailed information on the description and characteristics of the various types of cookies and allows you to decide independently which cookies you want to authorize.
Your consent is not required for the use of technical and analytical cookies. However, you can disable them using the procedure described in the paragraph “How to enable and disable cookies in your browser”.
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By browsing the Website, you consent to use of cookies, including profiling cookies. However, you can alter your cookies preferences at any time, also denying consent to use of any cookie (including cookies installed by third parties) in the table below.
The table below describes the cookies sent to your browser when you access the Website. The table is revised up to June 30, 2022; any subsequent reviews will always be published on this page.

CivicaMente srl cookies

Analytical cookies

Profiling cookies (marketing)
Matomo cookies .

How to enable and disable cookies in your browser:
You can stop your browser from accepting cookies. However, this could make access to certain functions of pages of the Website more difficult or impossible.
The methods provided by the main browsers to block acceptance of cookies are show below:
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Further methods for disabling analytical and profiling cookies:
In addition to disabling and/or deleting cookies through your browser settings, you can also disable and/or delete individual analytical and profiling cookies by accessing the following websites:
– , a website managed by the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), for deletion of other cookies for users located in the European Union

“Helping teachers to help students”

EvidenceB is a French start-up, founded in 2017, that develops and deploys adaptive learning modules focused on fundamental knowledge, for students from primary to high school and their teachers. The resources are based on cognitive science research (how children’s brains learn), artificial intelligence (how to adjust to each individual the activity that suits them) and UX interface, to stimulate learning and intrinsic motivation of the student.
Hristo Smirnenski Primary School

Hristo Smirnenski Primary School is located in a small town in the region of Plovdiv, the second biggest town in Bulgaria.

Hristo Smirnenski Primary School is  one of the most modern schools in the region. It is recognized by Microsoft as Microsoft Innovative School. This award is given to schools that have begun the road of digital transformation using interactive Microsoft tools. The school also has an eTwinning school label. It is awarded by the National media coalition and got “Digital star” certificate for all activities carried about Media literacy and disinformation. Hristo Smirnenski has created its own strategy for developing STEM education at school. The school opened a new STEM centre where students are engaged in Lego robotics and a lot of programmable devices and robots.

Civicamente Srl – Società Benefit
Digital education company, specialized in the development of Meet & Learn platforms and in the production of digital teaching tools, with a proprietary methodological approach inspired to CSSC learning.
Cité Scolaire Paul Valéry
Paul Valéry school group ( La Cité scolaire Paul Valéry) is composed of a middle school and a high school. The school also welcomes intensive two -year post baccalaureate courses designed to prepare selected students for entry to the «Grandes Ecoles».
Our school is located in the south east of the 12th district of Paris, near the Bois de Vincennes.
There are 445 students in the middle school, and 921 students in the High school.
Paul Valéry school is well-known for its training course in cinema. It also provides students with a range of sections.
For instance in the middle school, the students can have the opportunity to join the European section ( from year 8 to year 10). There is also a swimming section ( from year 7 to year 10). Achieving excellence in sport is really important in our school. Indeed students with a good level of sports practise and registered with a sport club are given the possibility to have an adaptated school timetable. These classes are called «CHASE»: Classe à horaires aménagés sportifs d’excellence.
Moreover inclusive education is essential in our school. A «UPE2A class» has been created to welcome non-French speaking students. Thanks to this structure within our school, the students can be immersed in some regular paced French classes with the other students.
A localized unit welcomes students with special educational needs, and more specifically children with autism. This structure is called ULIS (unités localisées pour l’inclusion scolaire).
In the High School:
Paul Valéry High school offers excellence in sports with badminton and swimming sections. There are European sections in English and in Italian, training courses in Cinema and Arts. And a « UPE2A class » welcomes non-French speaking students.
Paul Valery School group is to undergo some changes in the years to come. As a matter of fact, renovation work will soon be carried out with the aim of setting up the first artificial intelligence campus in France. Our school is looking to the future. Since 2018, the Fablab has been an innovative project bringing together students of different backgrounds and ages. It has become a space dedicated to computer science, innovation, and digital creation.
Raising awareness of A.I among the public ( students, educational community, Paris inhabitants…) is the aim of this future A.I Campus.
OpenCom I.S.S.C.
Founded in 2011, OpenCom is a private social enterprise, active in non-formal and work-related training, social research and responsibility, integrated reports and sustainability reports. Our expertise is related to the elaboration of innovative training modules, which respond to the new trends of the labor market and provide youngsters with skills that foster their employability.
Over the course of the last years, OpenCom has experienced a tremendous process of growth, to the point of currently representing of the most interesting business realities at national level, as showed by the results achieved in 2018, when it has become Eurodesk Center for the Province of Arezzo.
Laboratoire Techné
Agrupamento de Escolas
de Montemor-o-Novo

The Agrupamento de Escolas de Montemor-o-Novo includes all schools in the municipality: 8 kindergardens, 13 primary schools, 2 middle to high schools, with a total of 261 teachers and 1721 learners.

Our mission is to provide quality education that ensures equal opportunities to all our learners, allowing them to become active and capable citizens, that value learning as an asset for life. We are a certified eTwinning, Eco and Blue School and an Erasmus + accredited organization.

Regional school office of Toscany

The Regional school office of Toscany is a branch of the Ministry of education at regional level. In turn, at local level, it is organised into offices called Territorial areas. Its main task is to act as a link between national policies and the autonomous educational institutions in the territory. The Regional school office:

  • takes care of the implementation, within the territorial sphere of its competence, of the national policies for students;
  • supervises the compliance with general education standards and essential levels of performance, the implementation of school systems, the levels of effectiveness of training and the compliance with planned standards;
  • verifies the effectiveness of the activities carried out by schools and evaluates on what extent schools have put their three-year educational offer plan into practice.
  • coordinates the initial and in-service training of teachers and headmasters.